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​Class Mission Statement

As Mrs. Blicharz’s 4th grade class, our mission is to become the most successful learners we can be!  We will use our passion to ignite and inspire our creativity. In our classroom, together is better because we can accomplish anything as a collaborative team. Communication and problem solving will be our goals all year. As fourth graders we will be thoughtful, respectful, kind, and encourage everyone. We will be honest and have integrity. We will inspire others. We will be courageous. We will be leaders. If we follow these rules, our classroom will be a happier and safer learning environment.


Daily Schedule

9:00 - 9:10 Arrival/Lunch/Attendance

9:15 - 10:15 Writing (vocab, spelling, grammar)

10:15 - 10:30 Recess

11:00 - 11:45 Connections

11:45 - 12:45 Math

12:45 - 1:30 Lunch and recess

1:45 - 2:40  Benchmark Literacy 

3:00 - 3:45 PBL Seminars

3:45 - 4:00 Review expectations for day at home, pack up and clean up

Class Store Donations

One aspect of our classroom is the class store. This is a student favorite. We have jobs, and a behavior chart that help us earn money in our "fake" checkbooks. Students learn how to earn money, save, and budget for items they may want to buy. I sell snacks, hot cocoa (in colder months), fun school supplies, fidgets, candy, toys, headphones, etc. If you ever feel like donating to our class it would be greatly appreciated. No item is too small. If you have questions just reach out. 

Maker Space Donations

Another aspect of our classroom is the Maker Space. It is a collection of varying materials that students can use to design different projects and prototypes. The purpose being to foster creativity and the process of design and redesign. 

If you would be able to donate anything to our collection, it would be greatly appreciated. Throughout the year, if you would want to send anything in, we would put it to good use. 


Some ideas might be: duct tape, plastic material, pipe cleaners, clay, hot glue gun, beads, buttons, string etc . If you'd like to donate, do not feel constrained by this list. Honestly, any random materials you think kids could use in order to create something new would work.



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